El oficial, José Muñoz del departamento de policía de Salt Lake City es originario de Guanajuato, Mexico. Oficial Muñoz, ha sido nombrado el “Oficial del Año” por su compromiso con la comunidad y la gente de Salt Lake City. Un ejemplo de esto siendo que ayudo a recaudar $10,000 con el departamento de policía para llevar de compras a niños desfavorecidos.

$500 Scholarship Contribution courtesy of Check City to:
The Utah 1033 Foundation has created a scholarship fund dedicated to supporting children and dependents of active Utah state law enforcement officers. The Leadership Awards scholarship program will award up to four $2,500 grants to Utah’s future leaders for each school year.  Applicants will be asked to share their experiences and thoughts relating to the topic of leadership.



Trooper Agustin Torres, de 27 años de edad, lleva 4 años serviendo a la comunidad como parte del Utah Highway Patrol. Nacio en Pomona, California, crecio en Zamora, Michoacan y  hace 10 años se mudo al estado de Utah. Al graduarse del programa de “Criminal Justice” de la universidad de Utah Valley, Trooper Torres, ingreso a la Adacemia de Policia graduandose 9 meses despues. Trooper Torres, dice que lo que mas ama de su trabajo es servir a la comunidad y educar a las personas sobre las leyes penales y de trafico.

On behalf of Trooper Agustin Torres we will be donating:

$250 Gift Card courtesy of Rancho Markets to:

The Honoring Heroes Foundation, a 501(c)(3), organization was formed “To protect and provide for fallen and wounded Troopers and for the well-being of the dependents and employees of the Utah Highway Patrol and the Department of Public Safety.” We accomplish this by assisting with expenses not covered by insurance when these heroes are injured on the job or encounter other catastrophic expenses.

$500 Scholarship Contribution courtesy of Check City to:
The Utah 1033 Foundation has created a scholarship fund dedicated to supporting children and dependents of active Utah state law enforcement officers. The Leadership Awards scholarship program will award up to four $2,500 grants to Utah’s future leaders for each school year.  Applicants will be asked to share their experiences and thoughts relating to the topic of leadership.




El Oficial Manny Escoto, nacio en Mexico y se mudo a este pais cuando tenia tan solo 14 años de edad entendiendo lo que cuesta el adaptarse a un nuevo lugar no hablando el idioma nativo.

Hoy en dia, el  Oficial Manny patrulla todos los dias las calles de Santaquin, una ciudad pequeña localizada al sur de Utah County.

Cuando el Oficial Escoto no esta vigilando la comunidad, lo podemos encontrar en Santaquin City Hall donde da clases de manejo en español a personas quienes desean estar al dia con las reglas de conducion.

Por todo su aport a la comunidad Latina en Utah el Oficial Manny Escoto merecedor del reconocimiento  el “Back The Blue.”


On behalf of Officer Manny Escoto we will be donating:


$250 Gift Card courtesy of Rancho Markets to:

The Honoring Heroes Foundation, a 501(c)(3), organization was formed “To protect and provide for fallen and wounded Troopers and for the well-being of the dependents and employees of the Utah Highway Patrol and the Department of Public Safety.” We accomplish this by assisting with expenses not covered by insurance when these heroes are injured on the job or encounter other catastrophic expenses.

$500 Scholarship Contribution courtesy of Check City to:
The Utah 1033 Foundation has created a scholarship fund dedicated to supporting children and dependents of active Utah state law enforcement officers. The Leadership Awards scholarship program will award up to four $2,500 grants to Utah’s future leaders for each school year.  Applicants will be asked to share their experiences and thoughts relating to the topic of leadership.





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